Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My first "From Our Blog to Yours Challenge" at SSD!

Ok, here I go. This is my very first blog challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs. The assignment was to tell which SSD designer you would take on a date and where you would take them.

I have two answers (perhaps a double date is in the!):

1. Manda Bean - The reasons are simple. She is an awesome designer and she has the word tatas on her blinkie. It isn't the tatas I'm interested in - just the fact that she put the word tatas on the blinkie! And obviously...we would get tacos.

2. Teresa Ferguson - For starter, why can't we all just look that cute in a hat? Also, her designs rock and she was one of the very first CT Calls I applied for (and got the rejection letter!). Soooo, I'm thinking if I wine and dine her she'll rethink her choice...JUST KIDDING! :) But ya can't blame me for trying!

1 comment:

Mommy Spice said...

You should've put Teresa first...I don't know about your chances now. ;) *lol*