Saturday, February 24, 2007

even though we ain't got money....

Our life as a married couple at the moment reminds me so much of that song..."Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey...And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes...and tell me everything is gonna be alright." I think it is called "Danny's Song" but I can't remember who it is by. Kenny Loggins, maybe? I do remember seeing my parents singing along to that song in our mini-van on the way to The Ozarks once, though. They were holding hands in the open area between the front seats and singing along. That has always been a memory that is so easy for me to picture....and it has often times helped me remember that things are rarely as bad as they seem. In regards to my post on Thursday, things are looking a bit brighter. The finger-chewer had a much better day yesterday - he made it all the way until about 1:45 without any outbursts or defiant behavior. That makes everyone have a better me. Plus, Kara's family has spoken with her brother...he did end up losing part of his leg, but he is grateful to be alive and is already out of ICU. We went from owing on our taxes to getting SOME money back after we deducted the cost of that helps. So basically, it is all a lot better than it was just 2 short days ago. Now don't get me wrong, we are still going to have to struggle to make ends meet with this whole engine fiasco, but not nearly as much as I had imagined.

Lily made the cutest macaroni necklace at school yesterday and she just HAD to have again first thing when she woke up this morning...I have a feeling it will only be leaving her neck to bathe and sleep. It is so cute! This morning, Shannon slept in because he worked late last night so Lily and I woke up and she watched some Little Einsteins while I cleaned the kitchen. Then we made a "Look and Listen Scope" out of an empty paper towel roll. According to her, it is "just like Rocket's!"

Now I'm off to get some things together so Shannon can finish the taxes and then I hope to do a little scrapping today. I also want to get some reading done - my friend and co-worker, Robyn, and I just started our own little book club. We just went and got our first 3 books last night. We planned to just get one, but Walden Books had a lot of awesome selections in the 3 for 2 section. So, we are starting with "Jesus Land" and then we also got "Keeping Faith" and another one but at the moment I can't remember the title. Anyway....I'm pumped to do some reading and discussing - I think it will be a good source of cheap entertainment for me! :)

1 comment:

Holley V said...

Hey Jodie! Congratulations on getting a blog--what fun! I know what you mean about thinking all is fine financially and then wham--if you need any tips, I've just done a detailed budget and have some great resources for cutting expenses. ;)

Holley V (dsaguild designer)