Because if so, we could be rocking that show! Last night, on the way home from my aunt's house (we had Easter dinner a day early), Lily and I were just talking about Easter and our plans...and HILARIOUSNESS (is that a word?) was the result!
Me: Are you so excited about Easter tomorrow? Mommy can't wait to go to church...Easter is one of my favorite days in church!
Lily: Will the Easter Bunny be there?
*Please note, at this point I took a deep breath and panicked while I tried to think exactly how I was going to explain this to a 2 1/2 year old. This feeling is probably similar to the one my mom had when Lily asked her to tell her where Jesus works!!LOL!)
Me: No, the Easter Bunny won't be there. The Easter Bunny is kind of an extra thing on Easter. Easter is really about Jesus. A long, long time ago, Jesus died for us so that we could live happy lives. We go to church on Easter to celebrate the day He went to live in Heaven. (I thought that was pretty good?!?!)
Lily: (little pause) Oh....I think I see what you're saying! Jesus was died and it was a long time ago. And Jesus died to help us so the Easter Bunny came and helped Jesus get to Heaven.
Me: (trying not to laugh because she is SOOO serious) Well...kind of.
Lily: I think Jesus is locked in the barn with all the animals. We need to save him. It's our mission. (She watches Little Einsteins, so everything is our mission these days!)
I have no idea where the Jesus in the barn thing came from - maybe because she was playing with her Little People barn yesterday morning?? She is just sooooo funny! dad got a new truck and Lily is very excited to ride in it. When we pulled into their driveway last night, she looked at it and said, "Papa's new truck is just marvelous!" I started giggling and said, " really is." She giggled and said, "Marvelous...hahaha...June on Yittle (Little) Einsteins says dat."
I am sorry, but who can say a little TV is bad for kids. She is in love with Little Einsteins, and as a result recognizes several classic music pieces, works of art, knows who Mozart is, and says things like "it's our mission" and "just marvelous" - maybe everyone should "go on a trip in our favorite rocketship" every now and then?